Project : 每個 Project 可以有多個 Module.

官方說明 : A project in Android Studio contains everything that defines your workspace for an app, from source code and assets, to test code and build configurations. When you start a new project, Android Studio creates the necessary structure for all your files and makes them visible in the Project window on the left side of the IDE (click View > Tool Windows > Project).

下圖為 Project 以 Project View 呈現的畫面 : 其中 app 和 lib 是 Module.


在 Project 中, 可選擇不同的呈現方式(View), 常用的是 Project View 和 Android View, 新的 Project 預設是用 Android View.


Project View 是呈現 Project 在硬碟資料夾中的檔案排列方式.

Android View : This view does not reflect the actual file hierarchy on disk, but is organized by modules and file types to simplify navigation between key source files of your project, hiding certain files or directories that are not commonly used.

View 中還有許多其他的方式, 但我並不了解, 之後再補充.

下圖為 Android View : View 的選擇在紅色框框位置.



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